Sound Bath
February 19, 2025
1:00- 2:00 pm
North Coast Yoga
17 W Cayuga Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Diagnosed and caregivers
Join Peaceful Remedies and Megan Hook for a relaxing, rejuvenating, restful, healing sound bath. A sound bath not only reduces stress and anxiety by inducing a state of relaxation, but it also has physiological benefits including a reduction in pain, better sleep, removal of toxins, and strengthening of immune systems.
Cost: Complimentary for those diagnosed and caregivers
Sponsored by: C's Farm Market and Beverage Center
Book Club
March 6 - April 10
6:15- 7:30 pm
Peaceful Remedies
41 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Everyone
Self-Compassion, by Kristin Neff, takes us on the journey of learning why caring for yourself is as important as caring for others. Learn the core components, the benefits, the joy, and why self compassion brings out compassion for others. “In good times and bad, whether you’re on top of the world or at the bottom of the heap, self-compassion will keep you going, helping you move to a better place…allow life to be as it is, and open your heart to yourself.”
(page 15 Self-Compassion)
Please join us as we learn that loving kindness for ourselves does matter.
Cost: Complimentary for everyone
Massage Therapy
Unify Health and Living
149 Lee Road, Mexico
Appropriate for: Diagnosed and caregivers
Therapeutic massage can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury, alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body. Also, regular massage can enhance health, providing relaxation, release of muscle tightness, relief from anxiety and tensions, and balancing aspects of body/mind/spirit.
Cost: Complimentary for those diagnosed and caregivers
Yin and Yoga Nidra
9:00- 10:15 am
Ohio Street Studio
412 W First Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Diagnosed and caregivers
Join us for Yin and Yoga Nidra Class, a welcoming environment perfect for beginners and those looking to deepen their practice. Yin yoga is meant to help promote balance within your body while Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep" is a guided meditation practice that helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation while remaining aware of your surroundings. Benefits include increased flexibility, strength and balance, a calmer mind and improved balance and posture.
Cost: Complimentary for those diagnosed and caregivers
Polarity Therapy
3:00 - 4:00 pm and 4:30 - 5:30 pm
North Coast Yoga
17 W Cayuga St, Oswego
Appropriate for: Diagnosed and caregivers
Polarity therapy is a system of hands-on energy work with the body’s electromagnetic currents. One 50 to 60 minute session can instill a deep relaxation response that can help to jump start our own ability to heal on many levels.
A session involves lying on a massage table while the practitioner uses different “holds” to reconnect the subtle currents for each individual. The touch is generally light and there are many protocols used for individual situations and needs. The practitioner remains in a neutral state intuiting a slight pulsation between the hands which means that the energy is now flowing more freely from point to point in the body. This usually results in a feeling of relaxed vitality and a sense of balance and well being for the receiver.
Sessions are provided by Linda Hjortshoj who has been teaching and a student of Yoga, Continuum Movement, Alexander Technique, Sound Healing, and Polarity Therapy for 4 plus decades.
Cost is complimentary for 6 sessions per person per year.
Cor Unum Yoga
Thursdays 4:30 - 5:30 pm
North Coast Yoga
17 W Cayuga St, Oswego
Appropriate for: Cancer Survivors
Cor Unum (One Heart) Yoga welcomes all cancer survivors to practice the healing path of yoga in a safe, comfortable setting. Instructor Linda Hjortshoj provides individual instruction to meet the needs of all. Class includes breath work and poses designed to reduce stress, increase strength, increase flexibility, improve balance and provide an experience for overall healing and wellness. Linda is the owner of North Coast Yoga. She brings over 50 years experience and knowledge to the classes she teaches.
Cost is complimentary - Thanks to C's Farm Market
Pax Unum Yoga
Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Blossom Yoga and Wellness
161 West 1st St, Oswego
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed with a life altering illness or condition and caregivers
Pax Unum (One Peace) Yoga welcomes those diagnosed with a life altering illness and caregivers to practice the healing path of yoga in a safe, comfortable setting. Yin yoga helps to reduce reduce stress and relieves tension, increases circulation, balances internal organs and improves flexibility.
Restorative is a conscious relaxation focusing on opening and relaxing with stress relief and pain relief as benefits. The last 15-20 minutes is a Yoga Nidra practice .. Yoga Nidra is 'yogic sleep'. This reduces stress, induces calmness, can boost immune system, decrease inflammation and reduce pain. Enjoy a ten minute Savasana with guided meditation. Instruction is individualized to meet the needs of all.
Cost: Complimentary
Tai Chi/Qigong
Mondays 5:00 - 6:00 pm
North Coast Yoga
Tuesdays 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Ohio Street Studio
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 am
Blue Feather Wellness
Saturdays 8:15 - 9:15 am
Oswego YMCA
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed and caregivers
Tai Chi is offered three days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays andWednesdays. These complimentary classes require a one time registration for those diagnosed with a life altering illness and caregivers. All others may attend for a fee.
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements practiced in a a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. This opportunity is for those diagnosed with a life altering illness and current caregivers. A one time registration is necessary.
Cost: Complimentary for those diagnosed and caregivers, all others may attend for a fee
Drums Alive Ability Beats
Mondays 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Ohio Street Studio
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed and caregivers
This is a seated drumming class done with drumsticks on a stability ball (large rubber balls). No musical or drumming experience is required, only a desire to move and have fun. Active people who are mentally, physically, emotionally and socially engaged experience independence, a longer life and enjoy a higher quality of life. Healthy for body, soul and spirit. Complimentary for those diagnosed and caregivers
Cost: Complimentary
On hold until spring
Meditation and Relaxation
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month
1:00 - 2:00 pm
North Coast Yoga
17 West Cayuga Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Everyone
Meditation practice leads to stress relief, insight and overall well-being. It opens up the possibility to take personal responsibility for the care and growth of your body, heart, mind and soul. Peaceful Remedies Meditation and Relaxation group provides a welcome, safe environment for those new to meditation as well as those experienced in the practice. Meditation methods are presented to allow you to build more happiness and meaning into your life journey. Sessions offer different types of meditation to include their processes and practices, investigation and learning through a sharing of knowledge and experiences of all in attendance, and the discussion of impromptu questions that may arise.
Cost: Complimentary
Circle Talk for Those Affected by Cancer
1st Wednesday of every month
In person or via Zoom
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Location: Peaceful Remedies CenterEast 2441 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Cancer Survivors and Caregivers
Circle Talk allows and encourages people to speak from the heart in a safe place. This is a gentle and respectful way for people to communicate. The power of circle talk comes from the respect and safety experienced by the participants - It allows you to speak and listen deeply. Facilitated by Brittany Terotta LCSW.
Cost: Complimentary
Sponsored by:
Circle Talk for Those Affected by A Life Altering Condition
4th Wednesday of every month
6:00 - 7:30 pm
via Zoom
Location: Peaceful Remedies CenterEast 2441 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed and Caregivers
This group is for anyone struggling with the negative impacts of a medical condition and their caregivers. It offers people an opportunity to belong to a supportive community of individuals who are facing similar experiences.
The sessions are peer led and supported by holistic therapist Brittany Terotta. Brittany is a licensed clinical social worker and Holistic Energy Practitioner.
Cost: Complimentary
Book Club
Thursdays for six weeks
March 6, 13,20,27
April 3, 10
In person
6:15 - 7:30 pm
Location: Peaceful Remedies
41 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: anyone
Peaceful Remedies most recent book talk discusses the book: Self Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind by Kristin Neff.
Facilitated by Suzanne Fox
Cost: Complimentary
Circle Talk for Men
4th Monday of every month
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Peaceful Remedies Center
41 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed and Caregivers
Circle Talk for Men welcomes men undergoing any life altering illness and male caregivers. This support group provides an opportunity for men to participate in a community of individuals who meet together and benefit by sharing thoughts, feelings, experiences and information in a safe environment. Facilitated by Jake Hedges LMHC
Cost: Complimentary
Reiki Session
Peaceful Remedies Center
41 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Those diagnosed with life altering illness or condition and primary caretakers
Peaceful Remedies offers complimentary Reiki sessions for those diagnosed with a life altering condition and primary caretakers. For more information click on the link below.
Open Hours
By Requestemail:
Peaceful Remedies Center
41 Lake Street, Oswego
Appropriate for: Everyone
Peaceful Remedies offers Open Hours by request. Stop in, relax, rest, use the many resources available including a lending library, meditation room and props, headphones for music and meditations and more. Speak to a volunteer or enjoy quiet time away from the stresses of the world. It's your time to use as you want. Our specialty...soothing views of Lake Ontario.